Behind The Scenes

If you have made it this far then it looks like I must of done something right. To celebrate, I have a special treat for you, I hope you enjoy a good laugh!


As I quickly found out, it takes an immense amount of work to put something like this together especially when a large part of getting the project done has to do with learning a new set of skills. The process was long but I am very happy with the results. In the end, like anything you put time and effort into, it was completely worth it and I enjoyed myself immensely!

Now for your viewing pleasure,  here is the stuff that didn’t make the cut but deserves to be shown. Lets have a quick laugh, after all, you will be laughing with me right?


The Car Whisperer Blooper Reel


The Car Whisperer Behind the Scenes Footage and Bloopers


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    Your funny
    —I am the “Marketing” Whisperer